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taeliac's avatar

Tutorial: How to put on a wig



Here is the last of the tutorials I took pictures for a while ago at school, for putting on and wearing wigs.

This is the one about how to put on a wig (after, of course, the pincurling and the wigcap business). For this part, you'll probably want to have a friend on hand to help you get it on, it just makes everything easier (trying to hold a wig in the front, while pulling it down in the back is not an easy thing to do on your own).

For the pins, I have found these via Sally Beauty & Supply:

Smaller hair pins - [link]
Larger hair pins - [link] (you do not use these for putting on a wig cap - these are for the actual wig itself, but I wanted to include the link for ease of ordering!)

Unless you're wearing an extremely light colored wig (i.e. a white wig), always get black pins (bobbi pins and hair pins) because they won't reflect light - they just look like the roots of hair.

Again, a thank you goes out to ~MedeaHiasobi for helping me with this (it's her hands with blue fingernails you see in the pictures & in the images :D) ~ you should go watch her, too!

Wig tutorials:
:heart: How to do pincurls -- [link]
:heart: How to put on a wig cap -- [link]
:heart: How to put on a wig -- [link]
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Lalottered's avatar
Are you french?